The Sustainable Leather Foundation’s inclusive approach allows consumers to recognise and understand material Product Life-cycle Management for better informed purchasing decisions. This is possible by assessing and certifying leather manufacturers and associated leather value chain organisations for their performance and compliance against the Sustainable Leather Foundation Audit Standard.
Working with a joined up approach the Audit Standard is accompanied by a robust Guidance and Templates booklet that will support organisations in understanding what information is required and how it should be presented, monitored and evaluated. In addition, external resources are also referenced where value can be added.
Inclusiveness for Transparency
Leather manufacturers and associated leather value chain organisations can register their compliance certificates received from other organisations within the Sustainable Leather Foundation platform to provide a “one-stop reference” for customers and consumers.
For organisations just starting on their sustainability journey, they can work in a step-by-step, modular way to achieve recognition as they are able to demonstrate compliance. This will provide a road-map for improvement and progression with support from industry.
Our Audit Modules
Environmental Compliance Module
Leather Manufacturers & Associated Facilities can be assessed for their compliance and performance against standards in relation to water use and treatment, energy consumption, air & noise pollution, raw material and chemical use and treatment, etc.
Start your journey to sustainability by discovering how leather production impacts the environment and what you can do to protect and preserve.
Social Compliance Module
Leather Manufacturers & Associated Facilities can be assessed for their compliance and performance in relation to social legislation and good practice for their direct and indirect workforce.
Demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility by arranging your audit with the Sustainable Leather Foundation. Already have a social compliance certificate? Register with us and we will award equivalency.
Governance Compliance Module
Leather Manufacturers & Associated Facilities can be assessed for their compliance and performance in relation to responsible governance, including procurement, BATs, chemical management, process & quality control, housekeeping, communication, etc.
Whether you require all 3 modules, just one module or maybe a number of units across all 3, we can take care of your requirements to ensure you meet all the expectations of a modern, progressive, sustainable organisation.
Our Audit Modules
Our Transparency Dashboard works on a simple traffic light system for ease of understanding. Any section shaded in Grey has not yet started that assessment; Orange signifies an assessment that is in progress but not yet meeting the requirements, Green signifies that the section has been successfully assessed and Red signifies a failing section.
The Dashboard is open source for the basic view and Partners of SLF can click on each section to see the basis of assessment and metrics related to the result.
NB: The compliance criteria within the three modules will vary depending upon the facility being audited. The above example is based on the audit standard for leather manufacturers.